#Empire total war civil war mod crash fix mod
PART 1: You installed the mod with attention to the instructions but it still crashes then when you start a campaign or battle?ġ. If you have crashing issues while starting the mod read the second part. If you have the crashing issue while starting a campaign or battle read the first part.

Fix for cultural influence bonus from the Shrine of Neptune building.Fix for Multiplayer Campaign lock up when the player was reinforcing an AI ally who was victorious in battle, causing the player to become stuck with no victory / continue / exit battle user interface functionality.Improved unit pathfinding in Barbarian village battle maps (fixed no go zones).Fixed rare post battle lockup in Campaign modes.Fixed case where spies could get stuck on top of fleets in Campaign modes.Fixed issue where armies would be stuck in Muster stance and could not exit that stance in Campaign modes.Reduced the chance of Naval units sometimes clipping through the ground or harbours / ports during Port Assault battles when attempting to disembark.Fixed bug when ramming sideways into moving ship, which caused the ramming ship stick to target and strafe along with it in battles.Fixed vehicle ground pipes, to prevent Siege Towers becoming immovable when they are left empty during the Deployment Phase of a Siege Battle, then units were moved into the Siege Tower when the battle has started.Improved civil war balancing in relation to campaign difficulty.

Fixed slow turning rates for transport ships.Aligned ship unit upkeep costs with land units - made mercenary ships more expensive and non-mercenary ships cheaper.

Fixed defender being able to create encampments when involved in a combined battle.Fixed a sunken Samothrace temple complex world wonder on the Campaign map.Fix for DirectX 10.0 Lighting issue reported - environment map wasn't being created leading to black reflections.Higher average frame rates with out-of-the-box settings (more conservative settings).
#Empire total war civil war mod crash fix Patch
Here are the patch notes for Total War: ROME II- Patch 1 (06.09.13):